harloh,long dint post liao,okhays.hahas;Dyastd went for a
hair-cut.and my hair now is lyk wthell larhhs,actually kin-of okhasy with it larhhs,bwahahas;Dtoday was lyk a totally awesome days for me larhhs;seriously.i
LOVE my grp larhhs;D -
mii-♥ thay are lyk
super hyper-waccky aliens/chaps larhhs;DLOL!!
LOVE euu all man.hahas.everyti just went sooo nice and fine today:) hahas.ONLY CEP totally spoil my damn mooD,wthecK larhhs that
biTCH if she wannt mii choose the ppl,i choose dhen what still nid thu chge,
HELL EUU LARHHS(!!) irratating fool.euu watch out man.hating euu for eternity.nehy-mind..hais.LOL! anw,imma
gangster;jeolous.bwahahahs;D mii;simin;yvonne&dahua.super fun larhhs;D OMG! cant wait for skit euu see,hahahs;D
NOW wanna sae some wrds to some peepos:
to euu
dude:heys,if euu lyk seriously lyk hate me or smth i dunnt mind alrhhs,but then i seriously wanna euu to lyk tell me if euu hated mii or so lorhhs,really,i wunnt get angry wiv euu and stuff larhhs kkhyays,but honestly i REALLY;SINCERELY;ULTRA-MATIC hate her larhhs(!!)
to euu
bitch:ehys,i just dunnt noe how to communicate wiv euu,euu may hate me and i may hate euu,ohWELL,guess tins jus turns out tis ways,but i wanna tell euu tis-
DONT SNATCH MY FRIENDS AWAY FROM ME EUU GET IT!NOT SHERMEL;JAMILAH;OR OTHERS GET IT!euu will still b my fren,but all i can sae is I DUNO HOW TO COMMUNICATE WELL WIV EUU!!altough i edi said i forgive euu and stuff.okhasy;Dmyb aft euu read tis euu noe who euu are,well if euu get hurt,im so sorry,my dearD; is all frm my bottom of my heart euu see..
-the end-
i gtg liaao,but before that gort picas to post on anthr post,hahas.kkhyas.bye.
Cheers,RUIQI♥my super-gila craps:-i made yasser love hot-pinkk..-sry amanda for what i've done todayD: